Kendra Kamrava: IB Art Exhibition, 2022

Digital photomontage(1920×1080 pixels)

Digital photomontage(1920×1080 pixels)

I wanted to convey the gradual process of mental degradation that comes with no sleep for an extended period of time. I decided to include both what that looked like to others and what it was like for me, therefore utilizing the mirror to show those differing perspectives. The mirror represents what I see and the gradual loss of sense one experiences when going without sleep for hours on end, while the changes in expression, position, and hair in the self not in the mirror are noticeable changes that those around me can observe. I hope that this piece can provide insight into what these long, arduous periods are like to those that have not experienced them, and convey a relatable experience to those who have.

Watercolor on Paper (58.5cm x 37 cm)

This is a self portrait with some surreal influence. It represents how easy it is to slip into a very unhealthy routine of not sleeping, not taking care of oneself, or even not eating. One becomes so blind to the people around them that care, and becomes all-consumed by the thoughts of others that they have no way of knowing. The mascara symbolizes how even if someone tries to hide how they are doing, they cannot mask their bleak outlook.

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